Pengertian generic structure adalah sistematika atau alur penyajian dari informasi yang terkandung dalam bahasa Inggris. Setiap teks bahasa Inggris memiliki generic structure yang berbeda.

1. Generic structure pada Teks Naratif

Sebagai contoh teks naratif. Tujuan dari teks naratif adalah untuk menghibur para pembaca. Teks naratif memiliki generic structure ialah sebagai berikut:

  • Orientation,
  • Complication,
  • Resolution,
  • Reorientation.

Contoh sebuah teks naratif dengan generic structure adalah sebagai berikut:

The Story of Cinderella

  • Orientation: Once upon a time, there was a girl named Cinderella. She lived with her stepmother and stepsisters. They treated her badly as a maid in the family.
  • Complication: One day, the Kingdom invited all the girls to attend the ball party. However, Cinderella was forbidden to go. However, she got help from a fairy and dressed up like a princess. 
  • The fairy said that the spell will disappear at midnight. Since she was in a hurry, one of her shoes was left in the palace.
  • Resolution: The prince was looking for a girl who fit with the shoe. Cinderella’s stepsisters were trying to fit the shoe. However, the shoe did not belong to them. Cinderella tried the shoe and her feet were fitted with them.
  • Reorientation: The prince and Cinderella were married. Then, they lived happily ever after in the castle. 

2. Generic structure teks deskriptif

materi lainnya adalah mengetahui generic structure pada teks deskriptif. Susunan generic structure ialah sebagai berikut:

  • Identification,
  • Description.

Contoh sebuah teks deskriptif dengan generic structure adalah sebagai berikut:

City of Hat Yai

  • Identification: Hat Yai is a city which is located in Southern Thailand. It closes to the Malaysian Border. It’s the largest city in Southern Thailand.
  • Description: Hat Yai is the education center of Southern Thailand. It has the oldest university in Southern Thailand, Prince of Songkla University (PSU). In addition, the largest hospital in Southern Thailand which is Songklanagarind Hospital is also located in Hat Yai.
  • This city has several big plazas for Shopping such as Central Mall, Lee Garden Plaza, and Asean Market. It’s a nice city to visit in Southern Thailand. 

3. Generic structure Teks Argumentatif

Memahami penjelasan tentang generic structure juga dapat dilakukan dengan mengetahui generic structure yang ada pada teks argumentatif. Susunan generic structure ialah sebagai berikut:

  • Thesis
  • Argument
  • Conclusion

Contoh sebuah teks argumentatif dengan generic structure adalah sebagai berikut:

The Side Effect of Sleep Deprivation

  • Thesis: Sleep deprivation is a condition in which the body lacks sleep. Continuous sleep deprivation can cause some side effects on the human body. Therefore, sleep deprivation is a bad thing for the body.
  • Argument: Sleep deprivation can increase the risk of heart attacks, hypertension, and diabetes. In addition, sleep deprivation also can cause the weakening of immune systems.  It can affect the mood and cause weight gain. Some people may face memory issues due to sleep deprivation.
  • Conclusion: Based on those effects, it can be concluded that sleep deprivation can cause some side effects to the body. Therefore, people should prevent sleep deprivation conditions.

4. Generic Structure Recount Teks

Orientasi: memberitahu siapa yang terlibat, apa yang terjadi, di mana peristiwa itu terjadi, dan kapan itu terjadi. Dengan orientasi, informasi latar belakang menjawab siapa? ketika? di mana? mengapa?

Events: Peristiwa menceritakan apa yang terjadi dan dalam urutan apa. Peristiwa diidentifikasi dan dijelaskan dalam urutan kronologis.

Reorientasi: terdiri dari opsional- penutupan peristiwa/ akhir, komentar penutup mengungkapkan pendapat pribadi mengenai peristiwa yang dijelaskan


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